Tuesday, April 14, 2009

An Etsy Birthday Wishlist

Only 17 days left until Sugarbaby's big day. I'm getting super excited about it. The first cookout of the year coupled with my darling daughter waving her pudgy hand bye-bye to infanthood. Toddlerhood lookout, Sugarbaby has arrived.

If you recall I purchased almost all but one of Sugarbaby's Christmas presents on Etsy. Who doesn't love Etsy. One can get lost in there for days and not even realize it. So I've made up a little Sugarbaby Birthday wish list of sorts. All products found on Etsy. Peruse at your leisure. I've already bought her my presents, but you could glean a little inspiration for the favorite baby in your life. Enjoy.

Ask, Believe, Receive Print Set at Geninne
Set of three charming prints each unique in it's own way.

Chocolate Candy Buttons Non-Slip Clips by LittleFortuneCookie

My favorite source for hair clips on the web. Wonderful prices and low shipping, not to mention her amazing selection.


Kalediscope Collection-ABC Blocks by BumbleandBerry

How adorable are these? I can hardly resist.


May lil Hoot by ManicMuffinTotes

What little girl doesn't need an owl watching over her at night?


Polka Dot Amazing Ruffled Cakeplate by pageMEsweetPea

In all honesty this is probably more for the party giver (me) than the party receiver (her) but c'mon. Doesn't she deserve an Amazing Ruffled Cakeplate for her first birthday concoction?



  1. Big thanks to GG for buying me the cakeplate. Now everyone is invited over for pie. I mean cake.

  2. ohhhhhh i so love the cakeplate...

  3. Cute stuff! I love etsy and etsy wish lists- such great stuff to be found!


Now play nice and for every comment you leave, I'll buy you a pony.