Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Pizza & Yarn

There is a bonafide artsy type store in the town over from our little hamlet. It just recently opened up, and the kids and I went on our last playday to get our pottery painting on. I noticed then that they had a small yarn selection. When I went back the next week to pick up our finished creations, their small selection had grown. I tried hard to behave myself and only came away with two new lovely skeins. Oh how I do love yarn! And I loved this article on the health benefits of knitting.

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For the most part I believe that chores and generally just being active can keep you pretty fit. But, I am also a former distance runner and novice gym rat. I miss how fit I was just three years ago. Our current schedule doesn’t really leave me a lot of time to run 8 miles or lift weights for 45 minutes unless I get up while its still dark, and then the gym is still a 20 minute drive. It’s a lot easier to have a buddy for motivation. A good friend talked me into setting up a gym area in our shop (I had all the stuff already) and she is coming over at 5:30am, three days a week to workout with me.

After my 30 days of being sober, I felt like I needed another challenge. Because I’m crazy and I feel the need to torture myself with some kind of deprivation. All joking aside, its not really deprivation. Just choosing to abstain from certain things that aren’t really that good for me. This month will be grain free, beer free, raw dairy only, and no eating after dinner. Notice I said beer free. Not alcohol free. I’m doing quite well with my moderation after seeing with clear eyes the true effects booze has on me. Today is the first day, because yesterday I went totally nuts and ate some nachos. I love nachos. Last week, Stella and I made the best gluten free pizza I have ever had. I won’t be indulging in anything like that during my 30 days, but it was so so good. Here is the recipe for the crust if you care to give it a try. FYI: I didn’t have xanthan gum to make the gf flour mix so instead subbed BRM GF Biscuit and Baking Mix and it was awesome.

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Do you ever limit yourself from certain things for set amounts of time? If so, what?

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