Saturday, October 16, 2010

Beware of Ramblings

I am having the urge, in the middle of the day, to curl up and watch Sleepless in Seattle. I have no clue why. Strange, but maybe not considering my lifelong dream of living in the Pacific Northwest. I will get there someday. Someday and I'm going to go knock on Carrie's door if I do.

On a side note, I am drinking coffee in between housecleaning and interneting. I love my coffee, oh yes I do.

Know what else I love?

Sugarbaby is trying to "make" my bed for me. It is quite a site and I'm one hundred million percent sure I'm going to have to redo it. I sure hope I don't give her a complex.

I just want to get all this housework done so I can curl up with one of the three books I snagged from the library yesterday. Bill Clinton's autobiography, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, and Little Bee.

I also hit up the thrift store yesterday and bought some funky glasses (the drinking kind) and a candlestick holder. I'm going to paint it and maybe fashion some type of cakeplate base out of it.

I don't think the bread dough that I mixed up is going to rise. I wonder what happened?

Have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

  1. That is precisely why I don't make never rises.


Now play nice and for every comment you leave, I'll buy you a pony.