Monday, August 30, 2010

Me Likey

A few things I am just lovin' right about now:

P.S. It's really hard to take self-portraits, especially with poor lighting in your
two year old daughter's purple room. I also really want you
to see the super cute shirt I was wearing that I scored for $23 bucks, but we'll
have to wait until I can find someone to actually take my picture.

  • Eat, Pray, Love. Ya, I'm reading it...again.
  • My kids. Always.
  • My husband. Almost always. I mean, Always.
  • Working. No really. It's fun to interact with adults. Who knew?
  • Philippians 4:8 & Philippians 2:14
  • Signs of FALL. I see them. Do you?


  1. Hot Mama! Look at that running bod!

  2. those boots are hawt with the shorts. great, now i want a pair of boots.....

  3. Damn girl....look at them legs!


Now play nice and for every comment you leave, I'll buy you a pony.