Wednesday, September 30, 2009

More Music For The Kiddie Set

I recently got a chance to review two new children's CD's and readers I tell you, you're in for a treat!

First off, Rebecca Frezza and Big Truck are back, with their newest album Rockin', Rollin' and Ridin' that releases November 10th. It's going to be available at a great price...only $8.99.

Great price you say, but is it good? Will my kids like it? Will I be able to endure it without wanting to rip out my hair by by its roots?

Yesiree bob! It's been in the CD changer in my truck for two weeks straight and I haven't flung it out the window yet! Rebecca's melodic voice and Big Truck's perfect harmonies make for musical perfection. It even has a special guest that we all know and love from Sesame Street. It's only 23 minutes long with eight tracks and my kids clamor to listen to it every day on the way to or home from school.

The boy's favorites are Hey-O and Superman. I have to admit that I've caught myself belting out Hey-O when the kids aren't even around. The whole album is groovy and feel good and you won't soon tire of it.

The second album we got to rock out to is Great Day by Milkshake.
The songs included put out a great message to children and are a real pick me up on a bad day. In fact my kid's faves include: Happy Place, Statue of Me, and Great Day. This one is also easy on the adult ears and is still in my car, being played in the daily rotation.
The gal and guys of Milkshake have their own unique style, in life and in their music. Lisa Matthews voice is distinct and soothing. Their music is perfect for the kids in your life, and lucky you, Great Day is available for purchase now!

1 comment:

  1. LOL ... I know what you mean about pulling your hair out to "kids music"... that's too funny.

    Thanks for the info, I'll be sure to try and find it.

    Following you..... I love your blog. You are a very good writer. Always enjoy your posts.

    There is an award waiting for you on my site ( can't remember if I contacted you already.... I have mom-dumb today)



Now play nice and for every comment you leave, I'll buy you a pony.