Thursday, August 20, 2009

Trying Not to Rub It In

Hey ya'll!

It appears that back to school is equivalent to a daily dose of happy pills for this mom. I've been singing and dancing. Hanging out with Sugarbaby. Mopping my floors from sheer boredom. Painting my toenails. Being a guest at Sugarbaby's tea parties. Baking yummy goodies that I can't eat but I do it anyways cause guess what!?!?!? The boys are in school!

Now don't go judging me. Before you deem me a terrible mother because I am enjoying this free time a little too much, remember that I love my boys. And they are sweetheart darlings and I would love nothing more than to spend every moment with them, but they are 3 and 6. And they are monsters. Whirling tornadoes of dirty socks, cookie crumbs, and ninja swords. They fight 47 hours out of the day. They couch jump and that is really really bad cause mama is major OCD about her couch cushions. And I do love love love to see them at the end of the day. I can't wait to hear about what they did and how much they learned.

But those 7 hours until pickup time?
Complete and total bliss.


  1. LOL Don't blame you at all! It's nice to have some quiet time. My kiddo doesn't go back until Sept. 1st.

  2. I work outside of the home and can't wait for them to go back. We'll have more freakin food in our house!


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