Sunday, January 4, 2009

Reflections on the Weekend and the Inevitable List of Resolutions

I've had company all weekend and for a child-worn mom like me, it was a joy. We've shared words, wine, laughs, and so on. It was just the type of mini-vacation from reality I needed to refresh me and make me remember that some friendships do come drama free.

The Monster is coming home today, with school starting back tomorrow. I'll be glad to see him and I'm including him in my list of resolutions.

Now on the topic of resolutions, I can't remember a year that I ever set any in stone or remembered them past January 2nd. I'm not vowing to be different this year, but I thought perhaps the blog might be of some assistance. If it's written down and tangible, I could possibly refer back to it. So here goes.

1) Treat my husband better. Put myself in his shoes more often. Remember that life isn't so easy outside the walls of this house. Be more respectful and supportive of him and nag less. The point is, I love that man to death and even the best marriages take effort and work. I refuse to be lazy when it comes to him anymore.

2) Structure. More structure for the children. Help the Monster with school (although he doesn't need it) on a daily basis. Start pre-school basics with Cashman. Get Sugarbaby on some type of schedule and sleeping somewhere besides with us (I know that one is a bit far fetched) before the year is up.

3) Begin and end a remodel on the bedrooms before the year is up. This all depends on money.

4) Lose weight. You didn't really think I would leave that one out did you?

All in all, not unrealistic, but still challenging on a few levels. The way I see it, I'm done having babies, so this year is the first year of the rest of my life (pregnant free anyways) and I need to get a jump start on it.


  1. Great resolutions; I should do them too! Good luck with them all.

  2. i don't do resolutions, but your's are great!!! good luck you can do it!!

  3. Yay for too much wine!

    I still want to escape down there.


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