Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Tiny Farm In The Fall

Oh man Fall is here!

She is so so here.

She came swooping in wearing her gorgeous orange dress, blowing things around, shaking it up, sending a chilly wind across the fields.

I love it. Every single bit of it. The cold rainy weather that is happening right outside my window. The gorgeous painted shades of the trees. The frost in the mornings. Just now I smelled the very first whiff of woodsmoke of the season.

We've been working hard on our little piece of land which I shall now refer to as The Tiny Farm from here on out.

This is basically what we have accomplished in the past few years. One chicken coop, one raised bed, and a whole bunch of fruit trees that need some serious pruning. That big red barn in the back is not ours. I wish it was and maybe someday we will acquire the land and buildings next door but not right now.

These chickens and that little raised bed give us some nourishment and satisfaction.

This Fall we decided to add a bit to The Tiny Farm. Starting with six blueberry bushes and three blackberry canes.
And then Eli and I started on a project.
We didn't quite get the shed finished before the new additions arrived.
Oh hello, I'm a goat.

Oh yeah. That's right. Goats!


From L-R: Milkle, Willow, & Flower
A few days after the girls moved in, Mags came over to help me finish the shed. I mean...these gals deserve better than a tarped half finished home.

There was planning, and lots of power tool usage, with intermittent beer breaks for me. Warren's IPA is absolutely bomb. So good I had to put it on a pedestal.

We nearly finished that evening, but dark came quickly and we had to abandon it right before we put the tin roof on. Completely finished pictures to come.

The Tiny Farm is a work in progress.

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