Sunday, March 17, 2013

Glimpses of Last Week

I am ready for a week off, I tell ya! Getting in the homeschool groove was easier than anticipated. Yet we're all looking forward to this break.

Last week brought warmer weather. It was more than welcome. I wore sandals to soccer practice and had my inaugural cold coffee (rather than hot) of the year.



It was so absolutely gorgeous outside, I was lying on the ground, camera in hand, stalking the bees. They were busy as well, bees. This made it hard snapping a photo but I tried my hardest. Warren and I are dreaming about having our own hives and our own honey. We'll have to educate ourselves a bit more and find some equipment. And of course the perfect place to put it. Until then I will watch the little workers in my yard.

1 comment:

  1. Stopping by from AWB. Loved browsing your gorgeous photos.


Now play nice and for every comment you leave, I'll buy you a pony.