Saturday, August 8, 2009

Add Pastry Chef to My Resume

Oh hi there! I was so engaged in all the mushiness, and sweet nothings, and husband adoring anniversary that I almost forgot all you loverly peoples.

This weekend is complete chaos. Apparently some time ago I agreed to make cakes for J's kid's joint birthday party. Specifically the same kind of name cakes I made for Sugarbaby's first. I maintain that I might have been under the influence of a few glasses of vino when I agreed to this.

So the party is tonight at the local pool at 8pm. Which is way past Sugarbaby's bedtime so she will be missing the festivities. But the boys and I are going to have a blast with the cakes in tow. I started on the cakes about six yesterday evening. Everything was going swimmingly. The frosting was smooth, the decorating looked cute. I was very pleased. That is until I got to the smash cake. I mixed up the colors, applied them and stepped back. It looked like a damn Christmas cake! Way too red and waaaaay too green. So I called J and told her what I thought. She said use your best judgement, I don't care what they look like if you're okay with it. A lot of help she was!

I tell you people I tried really really hard to just leave it the way it was and not be such a perfectionist. The design was fine, the writing precise, the cake was CUTE! It just looked like something along the lines of Merry 1st Christmas. Yes, I made a cake for Baby Jesus.

The OCD in me took over and I called the hubby to order more ingredients to redo the smash cake. About 10 o'clock last night I finally finished. It isn't as perfect as the first one, but the colors are sooooo much better. I would have taken photographic evidence for your consideration of the two cakes, but the Nikon finally made it to the doctor and isn't expected out of CICU for a good 6 weeks.

And since the camera is in the hospital, I won't be able to take any pictures of tomorrow's festivities. Ya know, the Monster's 6th birthday? But rest assured we will be partying all day. And don't forget, that is one more cake I have to bake.

By Monday I expect to be completely exhausted. Weekends totally wear me out. Who's with me?


  1. hey Ashley! thank you for the comment on the new accessory cases :)

    hope to do business with you one of these days.


  2. I just wanted to announce my love for you in the blog world!

    Dear bloggers,
    I have a friend who once told me not to ever expect her to be there when I needed her bc she was a crappy friend and was never good at it. Over 2 years has gone by since we were reunited from high school 8 years ago and she has been nothing but an amazing friend. In the 2 years that we have been joined at the hip she has been there for me through some pretty intense situations. I have been able to count and lean on her many times and each time she had both her arms and home open to me and my family. She has been to every event I have had and most of the time tagging something yummy with her. Our children are so in love with each other that at least once a week they have to see each other. She is a woman of many talents and a mother that I wish I could be. I want to thank her and let her know how much I enjoy her friendship! THANKS AGAIN FOR EVERYTHING!!!!! *TEAR* To sugargrandma you raised an amazing child (even if sometimes it didnt feel that way lol)


Now play nice and for every comment you leave, I'll buy you a pony.