Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Day of Rest

The hubby decided today was the day for new oven installation. He cut through cabinets, counters, and everything in between. It's gorgeous. I love it. We're baking a celebration cake after 8 months of a baked goods free life.

After all the hubby's hard work, he had time to play. Beer, friends, a pine needle bonfire, and the laying waste of a tree that had been fallen. Stuck for too long.

Supergrandma came and free handed all the edges of Sugarbaby's room. She's so talented, that Supergrandma. She came, she painted, she left. After she was gone I worked on my bird mobile.
The birds that J sewed turned out

I finished the mobile amidst the chaos. It looks amazing against the Slow Dancer. A perfect color for the walls.

And Sugarbaby hung out in her brand new Peanut Shell all day.


  1. Aw yay for the oven! and the mobile turned out way freakin cool!

  2. Loved the mobile! I was thinking of making one with owls. And peanut shell...? Is that another name for baby sling or papoose? If so I just bought a pattern and the material to make one too! Sugar baby is soooo cute! and by the way looks just like her mommy:) Oh owe me lots of ponies!


Now play nice and for every comment you leave, I'll buy you a pony.